4 top resources for work at home parents

4 top resources for work at home parents

When you work from home finding great quality resources can be difficult, especially when there are so many dodgy ones out there. Here are four that have the Support a WAHP stamp of approval: Business Mentoring: Build a Little Biz Karen Gunton specialises in working with little businesses to help them shine and grow. As [...]

Wix, Weebly or WordPress: Which website platform is best for home based businesses?

wix, weebly or wordpress: which is better for home based business websites?

When it comes to websites that perform for your business, there is a clear winner, and that winner is a Wordpress self-hosted website. Here’s why…

How running and entering competitions can boost your home based business

Win the ultimate Gold Coast prize pack

If you’ve had trouble keeping up with the millions of competitions on Facebook, Pinterest etc, join the club. You might see something cool in your newsfeed and think, “I’ll go back to that later,” but never quite manage it. , whether you’re entering them (and hopefully winning some!) or whether you are running them. You [...]

How much effort are you investing in your dreams?

how much effort are you putting into your business

I often get emails from women in biz who have questions like: “I am looking for new, cheap ways to spread the word about my biz, any ideas?” or “I have never felt like much of a salesperson, any ideas for making more sales?” or “I know I need to invest in _______ (my website/newsletter/branding/SEO/whatever) but I can’t afford it. Any ideas?”

5 reasons to stop watching your competition

run your own race rather than worrying about the competition

Most experts tell you to keep an eye on your competitors so you can learn from their mistakes and keep up with them. I think that for many small and home based businesses it’s not necessarily the best thing to do. Let me tell you why.

You ARE doing it! Celebrate your action today.

you are doing it

Do you ever have days where you feel discouraged about the progress you’re making with your business? You know, those days where you’ve launched something new, and you check your email about 100 times that day to see if anyone’s emailed you about it, only to find your inbox empty? It might feel like you’re [...]

Storytelling: how to write your own story

Tell your story

We all know that we should share our stories with the marketplace to help create a connection with our clients. The trouble is that most of us have no idea about what our story is or how to tell it. We’ve lived it, so it’s not a story to us. It’s just life, right? Well, it’s not just life to anyone else. It IS a story and it’s all yours. It’s the story of what shaped you into the person you are and how it caused you to build your particular business.

Financial New Year is the perfect time to consider your brand


At this time of year we tend to be focused on organizing our business accounts, looking through our costs & profits, and of course getting everything sorted for our taxes. As you go through your accounts and your records for the financial year of your business, I want you to keep something else in mind: your brand.

5 Quick Ways to Ruin Your Email Newsletter

5 quick ways to ruin your email newsletter

It’s easy to write a bad newsletter. Let me show you how. 1. Too long between issues YOU: Newsletters are a nuisance to write. You never know what to say so you push it to one side while you try to think up something brilliant. Evasive action gets you through this month, so you do it again next time. Then just when you’ve perfected your system, one day guilt appears. So you churn out a newsletter and off it goes…

4 Small Business SEO Trends for 2012

seo trends for 2012

In 2012, small business owners need to be aware of search engine optimisation more than ever. This month, Google has announced their new innovation called ‘semantic search’, which means that the search engine now is trying to understand the meaning behind your words and content. Now, more than ever, your content matters, and the demand for unique well written content has never been stronger. So, how can you take advantage of this to give your business and SEO boost?