E-commerce: Paypal has no Trust

ecommerce: paypal has no trust

It is really tempting to view Paypal as the ultimate payment solution when you’re starting out with your business. It’s easy. It’s quick and everybody uses it, or so it seems. But did you know that if you trade through a Family Trust, like many small businesses in Australia do, Paypal won’t have anything to do with you?

Are you wasting energy chasing business butterflies?

are you wasting energy chasing business butterflies?

Every day, I come across fantastic resources, tools and ideas I can use for my work at home business. While it may be tempting to download that latest cool plugin for Wordpress or start a new spur-of-the-moment promotional campaign because of something you just saw someone else do, it is wise to take a breath and ask yourself the following:

5 tips for boosting your creative biz’s productivity online

5 tips for boosting your creative business productivity online

There is a dizzying array of online selling and promotional tools for creative entrepreneurs but sometimes there can be such a thing as too much choice. There is a big temptation to spread yourself across every shopping platform and every social network but perhaps all that is needed is to identify and focus on those networks and platforms that bring in the most traffic to your blog or website and to make sure your website is optimized for your visitors. So how do you do that?

Facebook’s new featured ads in your newsfeed

facebook ads

How do you feel about “featured” ads showing up in your newsfeed? As usual when Facebook announces something new, a lot of people get a little irate for a bit and then things settle down as everyone gets used to the latest “changes”. But sometimes I wonder what will be the tipping point for people to start going elsewhere for online social fun. And I guess the next question is, do we, as business people, want to be in our friends news streams with ads or do we want to leave well enough alone? I guess it’s something we all can assess in the next few months as Facebook rolls out it’s new ad plan.

Marketing your event using the high school musical principle

wednesday's daily dose at Support a WAHP

Hands up if you’ve ever been in a high school musical? Now hands up if you’ve gone to one as an audience member? Chances are, if you’ve been to high school, you’ve done one or both and so have your friends, your mum and dad, your grandma and your dog. Years ago when I was working at the Woodford Folk Festival, Director Bill Hauritz told me his secret to marketing success. He dubbed it the high school musical principle. Here’s how it works:

Uni of Newcastle hosts eBusiness marketing course [Sponsored]

university of newcastle ebusiness marketing course

If you are a work at home person who sells online, or works in marketing or social media, a new fully-online six week course developed by Executive & Corporate Programs in partnership with GradSchool, at the University of Newcastle may be just what you need to give your business a competitive edge!

5 reasons why your business needs policies

Monday daily dose from the support a work at home person blog

Welcome back to the daily dose and Happy New Year! Today I want to talk about writing policies. Before you start snoring and shouting “BORING”, I just want to say that policies don’t necessarily have to be bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. In my former life as a marketing consultant, I spent a lot of time writing policies.

If you need social media help, who’re ya gonna call?

if you need social media help, who're ya gonna call?

You know the website your friend Barry set up for you is not cutting the mustard anymore and you know you want to take advantage of the amplified word of mouth recommendations social media can bring to your business, but who’re ya gonna call? How do you know if the person in the sponsored story calling themselves a “social media expert” is able to deliver what they promise?

50%-off sale: Small Biz Success Summit [Sponsored]

small business success summit

Good news! Social Media Examiner is running a 50%-off sale on tickets to Small Biz Success Summit 2012–the online conference for small businesses that want to master social media marketing, brought to you by Social Media Examiner! This online conference is all about using social media to gain more exposure, increase traffic, better engage customers (and prospects) and increase your sales. And it’s just for small businesses…

Timeline: are you going to use yours for branding?

Daily Dose blog post: Have you got your new Facebook timeline yet?

Have you got your shiny new Facebook timeline yet? Have you thought about how you’re going to use/or not use your timeline for branding? Facebook guru Mari Smith posted a blog article the other day about whether or not business owners, authors and CEO’s should use the timeline banner image to promote their businesses…My opinion is that it really depends on what you do and how you do it.