How running and entering competitions can boost your home based business

Win the ultimate Gold Coast prize pack

If you’ve had trouble keeping up with the millions of competitions on Facebook, Pinterest etc, join the club. You might see something cool in your newsfeed and think, “I’ll go back to that later,” but never quite manage it. , whether you’re entering them (and hopefully winning some!) or whether you are running them. You [...]

Keeping up with Facebook changes

Is edgerank pushing your business off the edge on Facebook?

Facebook is making it harder and harder for pint sized businesses to be seen in newsfeeds. There’s even a petition going around demanding that Facebook change things so that pages can be seen without being promoted. Given that Facebook is unlikely to take such a petition seriously, it’s worth taking some time to assess what you can do to improve your edgerank.

How to use Facebook Page messaging to effectively network your business


Has your Facebook page inbox been spammed since the new timeline came into being? My guess is “yes.” Or maybe you’ve sent someone a message and are unsure if it was appropriate or not. Here’s a key pointer to help you figure out how to use Facebook Page messaging to network your business.

The Biggest Marketing Myth Exposed

marketing myth

If you’ve ever advertised in mainstream media or thought about doing so, this post is for you! The other day, a colleague and I had a meeting with a potential client who is looking to get started with social media. We asked him how much he spent on advertising and I nearly fell off my chair when he told us! He said he was spending up to $15,000 per year on advertising with no discernible return on investment. $15,000!!!!!!

Timeline for Facebook Business Pages: An Overview

Facebook timeline for business pages an overview

Facebook is introducing the Timeline to Business Pages as of March 30th. You can go ahead and preview your page now to get used to the new features. Here are some highlights:?? For a detailed overview view my Youtube video featuring the highlights here!

Facebook commerce: What is it and should I use it for my business?

facebook commerce

Late last year Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg said that “Facebook commerce will be the next thing to really blow up”.

Already, there are a few developers jumping in early to make the most of Facebook’s e-commerce potential, or F-commerce as it’s been coined. While some large retailers jumped in early only to abandon the sales platform soon after, smaller facebook-based businesses may still benefit from F-commerce as it eliminates a step in the selling process and is a tidier option than selling through a photo album.

10 ways to market your work at home business for free (or low cost)

10 ways to market your work at home business for free or low cost

Most people don’t believe it when I tell them that I started up my local business, Mumatopia, with no budget. We had just come out of a lean year. We’d lost thousands in the 2008 global financial collapse and we were deep in debt. So, what did I do? I started a new business! Inspired by entrepreneur Justin Herald, after hearing an interview with him on a local radio station, I decided to start by dipping into the grocery budget to pay for my business name registration. Once I had a client under my belt, I then used some of that money to order business cards and as my business grew I was able to invest more in my business. Here are ten tips for marketing your work at home business for free:

10 Reasons Why you Need a Website AND a Facebook Page

where does your business live online?

Why do so many work at home and creative businesses neglect to create a web presence outside of Facebook? If that’s you, then you are missing valuable opportunities to grow your following and your business and you may also fall over if Facebook pulls the rug out from under you. Here are 10 reasons why you should have both a website (that includes a blog or Etsy shop) and a Facebook Page.

5 tips for boosting your creative biz’s productivity online

5 tips for boosting your creative business productivity online

There is a dizzying array of online selling and promotional tools for creative entrepreneurs but sometimes there can be such a thing as too much choice. There is a big temptation to spread yourself across every shopping platform and every social network but perhaps all that is needed is to identify and focus on those networks and platforms that bring in the most traffic to your blog or website and to make sure your website is optimized for your visitors. So how do you do that?

Facebook’s new featured ads in your newsfeed

facebook ads

How do you feel about “featured” ads showing up in your newsfeed? As usual when Facebook announces something new, a lot of people get a little irate for a bit and then things settle down as everyone gets used to the latest “changes”. But sometimes I wonder what will be the tipping point for people to start going elsewhere for online social fun. And I guess the next question is, do we, as business people, want to be in our friends news streams with ads or do we want to leave well enough alone? I guess it’s something we all can assess in the next few months as Facebook rolls out it’s new ad plan.