Cas caught up with Susannah and Majenta from Australian Eboxes, two mums running a new kitchen bench startup business aimed at supporting the work at home mum business community.
You may work at home, but you're not alone!
Cas caught up with Susannah and Majenta from Australian Eboxes, two mums running a new kitchen bench startup business aimed at supporting the work at home mum business community.
Did you know that building success in a business isn’t just about the time and money you put into it? The level of your success can come down to the way you position yourself as a person and the mindset you have.
Hello! Hi! *Waves to get your attention* Yes I am talking to you, my fellow little biz builder, working from the kitchen table as the kids create chaos around you… listen up. I want to tell you something very important… You are doing a good job.
Some people might be scratching their heads, wondering why I dreamt up a whole week to celebrate working at home. Well here’s why:
There is a dizzying array of online selling and promotional tools for creative entrepreneurs but sometimes there can be such a thing as too much choice. There is a big temptation to spread yourself across every shopping platform and every social network but perhaps all that is needed is to identify and focus on those networks and platforms that bring in the most traffic to your blog or website and to make sure your website is optimized for your visitors. So how do you do that?
“I want to work from home but I don’t know where to start. Can you point me in the right direction?” “I’ve got a Facebook page but how do I get people to visit my page and buy my products?” or “I’ve got lots of followers but no-one’s buying. What can I do to boost sales?” These are the daily questions people ask me that prompted me to write my new ebook: Diving In: Practical tips for starting up and growing your home based business.
I was just thinking this morning how nice it would be to add a family photo to our Christmas letters/cards this year. Time is ticking away though! We haven’t even got a Christmas Tree sorted yet! How about you? Today, you can find products and services on the theme of photography, food, party plan and pets on our Facebook Page. Here’s what’s on offer from today’s sponsors.
Support a WAHP is proud to announce our support of the Balancing Baby and Business Teleseminar series which is kicking off with a free teleseminar at 11am (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Thursday 19th May! To register and for further information on this fantastic teleseminar Click Here!
I am reading “The Success Principals” by Jack Canfield at the moment and am loving the motivational messages and encouraging words. However, I am up to the chapter on goals and it has left me feeling a little anxious. I’m big on goal setting, always have been, but lately I feel overwhelmed at the idea of committing my goals to paper and giving them a use by date (as Jack recommends in the book).
Tell us a little about the person behind the business? My name is Fiona Lewis and I’m a mum to three boys…I had to help other Mums just like me develop a business they could run from their computer, using the internet. Hence the birth of Mumpreneurs Online. A blog designed to share information about making money on the Internet – specifically targeted towards women.
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