This week Cas had a chat with Professional Organiser, Samantha Godfrey, who shares her startup journey, her love of organising others and some of her top tips for running an organised work at home business.
You may work at home, but you're not alone!
This week Cas had a chat with Professional Organiser, Samantha Godfrey, who shares her startup journey, her love of organising others and some of her top tips for running an organised work at home business.
This week I interviewed Donna Hamer from Fanpage Competitions. Donna shares her inspiring story, awesome tips for WAHPs and her passion for helping small businesses use Facebook to grow their following and client-base.
Tell us a little about the person behind the business: I am a mother of two and wife to a gorgeous man who lives in regional WA. I enjoy the country lifestyle, but LOVE the fact that there are ‘real shops’ and facilities only an hour away. My kids provide me with the inspiration for most of my designs in the little things they find amazing, things they love or the mischief that they get up too.
You chose to work from home so you could spend more time with your family, right? How’s that working out for you? Do you sometimes feel like you have a love affair with your computer instead? When you work from home the boundaries between work time and family time are less clear cut, so if you want to honour the reasons you started a work at home business in the first place, you need to be self-disciplined. Here are 5 quick tips that might help:
PO Box 7193
Mount Crosby Qld 4306
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