How much effort are you investing in your dreams?

how much effort are you putting into your businessI often get emails from women in biz who have questions like:

I am looking for new, cheap ways to spread the word about my biz, any ideas?


I have never felt like much of a salesperson, any ideas for making more sales?


I know I need to invest in _______ (my website/newsletter/branding/SEO/whatever) but I can’t afford it. Any ideas?

Don’t get me wrong, we all have these worries and questions (me too!) and I have no problem sharing any tips that I can. My goal after all is to help women in biz succeed.

My question is this: are you helping yourself? How much effort are you investing into building your business. I don’t mean time, I know how much time we all spend trying to figure it all out and do all things. I mean real, concentrated effort.

Because if you want to build a successful business, you need to become a student of marketing. You need to study how to be a natural salesperson. You need to learn SEO or email newsletters or whatever. You need to research. You need to practice. You need to work at it.

You might not have the money to invest. I get that. You might not even have a lot of time. But you know, we all have the same number of minutes in a day. You might need to adjust where you are spending all of your time and invest some of it in the thing that is going to really take your business to the next level. You might have to make changes, make sacrifices.

It is not enough to be on facebook trying to get your posts in a newsfeed. It is not enough to just post a product photo and wait for the orders to come. You’ve got to hustle. You have to make mastering the business side of your business your job.

Right now imagine your dream situation – that time when your business is super successful and the orders/bookings are pouring in. How many hours a week would you work to fill those orders or do those jobs?

You need to work those same hours now… studying, practicing, learning, modeling, researching, examining, mastering, cramming.

Become a marketer. Become a salesperson. Become an online business pro.

Your dreams deserve it.

About Karen Gunton

karen gunton is a blogger, photographer, designer & champion of women in biz with her sites & she delivers genuine, concrete help to little biz builders every week with her newsletter the toolbox - her favorite thing to hear from subscribers is that the toolbox is better than the weekend paper, and goes perfectly with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine for some awesome weekend reading.