Did you know that building success in a business isn’t just about the time and money you put into it? The level of your success can come down to the way you position yourself as a person and the mindset you have.
You may work at home, but you're not alone!
Did you know that building success in a business isn’t just about the time and money you put into it? The level of your success can come down to the way you position yourself as a person and the mindset you have.
Has your Facebook page inbox been spammed since the new timeline came into being? My guess is “yes.” Or maybe you’ve sent someone a message and are unsure if it was appropriate or not. Here’s a key pointer to help you figure out how to use Facebook Page messaging to network your business.
In the past few months there has been a real trend towards trying to gain as many “likers” as possible under the premise that more likers=more prominence, credibility etc. In this article I’d like to talk about the idea of engagement as a networking tool. How can you network with other businesses so that genuine “likes” (and therefore leads) result?
Support a WAHP is pleased to join forces with Mumatopia, and Ipswich Women in Business to present the inaugural Business With Heart networking dinner on October 19th, 2011 at Ipswich’s stunning new sustainable restaurant/cafe fourthchild.
In the wake of the drama surrounding Facebook suspending businesses from posting on other pages, we thought it might be helpful to give you a few tips on “liking” etiquette, because if you’re not careful, a lack of thought in how you interact with other Facebook pages could be detrimental to your business.
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