We all know that we should share our stories with the marketplace to help create a connection with our clients. The trouble is that most of us have no idea about what our story is or how to tell it. We’ve lived it, so it’s not a story to us. It’s just life, right? Well, it’s not just life to anyone else. It IS a story and it’s all yours. It’s the story of what shaped you into the person you are and how it caused you to build your particular business.
6 tips for choosing a logo designer
Facebook craft business pages have been in an uproar these past few days over a designer using other designers’ work (and claiming them as their own) to create logos for small craft businesses…(thanks for the heads up Amanda Foy from Foysters… always got your finger on the pulse!) Here are 6 tips to help you decide the type of designer you need for your business logo and branding.