You don’t have to just get by

you can

You may not know this, but Support a WAHP has been a bit of a problem child for me. I inherited this business from another entrepreneurial mum, two years ago. At the time I thought it would be a great source of passive income to complement my local startup business, Mumatopia and I loved being [...]

Are you prepared to hit that “next” button?

Are you prepared to hit that next button?

So, as a solopreneur, a woman, in a relatively small community of 175,000 with 25 years experience outside the city, I come up with a new concept for the city in the way of a Home Show kind of concept. I have complete faith in my ability to put together an amazing package that is based on faith in the first year because I know in my heart of hearts that it will work, and if I get the following in the first year it will just take off on its own in the next four years because it just takes the first one.

Does the thought of shining scare you?

does the thought of shining scare you?

The other day our 30 metre long, 1.6 metre high wooden retaining wall snapped and fell over after a heavy downpour. My initial reaction was: “Oh no! How are we going to pay for that?” However, in the days since I’ve had an “aha” moment and I wanted to share it with you, because, for me, it’s changed EVERYTHING!