SmartCompany recently published a great article on Google’s recent warning to SEO overuse.
Google’s SEO warning and what we can do about it
4 Small Business SEO Trends for 2012

In 2012, small business owners need to be aware of search engine optimisation more than ever. This month, Google has announced their new innovation called ‘semantic search’, which means that the search engine now is trying to understand the meaning behind your words and content. Now, more than ever, your content matters, and the demand for unique well written content has never been stronger. So, how can you take advantage of this to give your business and SEO boost?
WAHPs do make a difference

Today I’m feeling inspired to tell you about an amazing WAHP who is one of my heros. Robin Lim is an author, midwife, mother and grandmother who runs a clinic and humanitarian program in Indonesia called Bumi Sehat. Last night, Robin was voted 2011 CNN Hero of the Year! We might think that our meagre efforts to support causes and charities only make a small dent but Robin’s story proves that every little thing we do as WAHPs, makes a difference.