To be in the running to be profiled in our Kitchen Bench Business Tales Section on the Support a WAHP Blog, simply complete the below form and submit it. In case there are any technical issues, I urge you to save your answers in a Word document as well. If you don’t receive a confirmation email from us, please do follow up to make sure we received your interview.
With your answers, tell your story and avoid being salesy! The goal is to share useful, helpful information about running a micro business or working from home to add value to our community and help people who are just starting out.
Once you’ve completed your answers, please also attach a couple of photos we can use with your interview. Our readers like to get to know the person behind the business, so please include a photo of yourself or you and your family in the mix. You must own the copyright of any images you send us.
I look forward to receiving your interview answers!