Celebrate Working from Home with iWAHP Week!

international work at home person week

February 5-11th, 2012 we are launching the inaugural International WAHP Week to celebrate and recognize the achievements of work at home parents/people.

 Here’s how you can get involved:

Local Media Coverage. Tell your story and boost your business credibility with a story in your local newspaper. iWAHP Week gives you the perfect opportunity to be loud and proud about working from home! We’ll give you a helping hand to get your work at home story into the media. Just fill out the form below (make sure you complete all fields) to submit your details, then we’ll draft a release on Support a WAHP letterhead and email it to you. You then add your phone number at the bottom of the release as a local contact and send it on to your local newspaper/radio station in the lead up to iWAHP week.


  • For local newspapers, it is best to call first and ask who to send the release to. Say “I’m participating an an international event for home based businesses” or something to that effect and ask who to send an email to.
  • When you send the email, make sure you attach the media release.
  • If you haven’t heard back within 2 days, follow up with a phone call to the person who you sent the release to and ask them if they got it okay and if they are interested you could offer to set a time for a photoshoot or send them a photo.
  • If you secure an interview and photoshoot, draft a list of questions (we can help you with that, so email if you need assistance) and answers to keep for your reference. You can also suggest questions to journalists but don’t give them your answer sheet.
  • In photoshoots wear colourful clothes and bright lippy if you wear makeup. Most newspapers are using colour photos these days.
  • Email us or post on the iWAHP Week Facebook Page Wall with any Questions.

Send us a 15- 30 second video. We are putting together a video collage to celebrate iWAHP week which we’ll post on Youtube. Send us your video in .mov format for possible inclusion. Here’s an example of what you can say “Hi, I’m [your name], I’m a [your job/business] and I work from home because [reason you work from home]. One of the biggest challenges for me is [biggest challenge]. Join me in celebrating International Work At Home Person week Feb 5 to 11, 2012!” Imagine if we get lots of these. What an impact we could have with our stories. Email videos to . If your video is too large to email, just let us know and we’ll add you to our dropbox folder for videos.

Spread the word. Tell every WAHP you know about iWAHP Week. Get the iWAHP Week badge from our website and put it on your website. Organise a local WAHP gathering and tell us about it. Let’s rock Facebook and Twitter with #iWAHP!