It is really tempting to view Paypal as the ultimate payment solution when you’re starting out with your business. It’s easy. It’s quick and everybody uses it, or so it seems. But did you know that if you trade through a Family Trust, like many small businesses in Australia do, Paypal won’t have anything to do with you?
Are you wasting energy chasing business butterflies?
Every day, I come across fantastic resources, tools and ideas I can use for my work at home business. While it may be tempting to download that latest cool plugin for Wordpress or start a new spur-of-the-moment promotional campaign because of something you just saw someone else do, it is wise to take a breath and ask yourself the following:
Uni of Newcastle hosts eBusiness marketing course [Sponsored]
5 reasons why your business needs policies
Welcome back to the daily dose and Happy New Year! Today I want to talk about writing policies. Before you start snoring and shouting “BORING”, I just want to say that policies don’t necessarily have to be bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. In my former life as a marketing consultant, I spent a lot of time writing policies.