Support a WAHP offers opportunities for small, home based businesses to gain recognition and valuable free publicity through our regular and seasonal competitions and promotions. In 2011 Support a WAHP gave away more than $20,000 in free publicity and promotions.
This competition to win an ‘In the Spotlight’ interview (valued at $500)on our website is open to all home/internet based businesses. We use to choose FIVE businesses from the Competition List. These businesses will then be added to a poll on the Support a WAHP website homepage for people to vote on the business they’d most like to see ‘In the Spotlight’. For further information on our In the Spotlight competition click here! We will be starting this regular competition again in early 2012.
2011 Mother’s Day Catalogue Competition
In April and May 2011, we held our first ever Mother’s Day Catalogue competition. The result was this gorgeous online catalogue, which had 22,196 page views in 2011:

A screen capture showing what the In the Spotlight Showcase looked like in the "A WAHPing Christmas" E-magazine
In 2011 we held our first ever Top WAHP Awards. 37 businesses were nominated, and more than 1000 people voted to choose the top five WAHPs for 2011. The winners were interviewed for a special In the Spotlight Showcase in our December A WAHPing Christmas E-magazine. In 2012, we’ll be hosting an even bigger awards program!

2011 Top WAHP Award winner Alex Brodie was interviewed by his local paper opening up new business opportuntiies.
A WAHPing Christmas E-magazine
In 2011 we published our first ever magazine! A WAHPing Christmas featured articles by some of the top work at home mums in Australia and also featured our In the Spotlight Showcase featuring the winners of the 2011 Top WAHP Awards. The magazine went viral on Facebook and enjoyed 20,630 page views between December 1st 2011 and January 1st, 2011. We plan on doing another WAHPing Christmas Magazine in December 2012.
If you are interested in sponsoring any of our 2012 Promotions, please contact Cas at for a media kit.